August 29, 2021 – Full Service
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August 29, 2021 – Sermon Only
Message Notes for August 29, 2021
Series: Disruption, Title: Disruptive Innovation
Key Verse: Mark 1:15 The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.
Personal Notes from today’s message:
How does Satan disrupt and why?
How does Jesus disrupt and why?
In Acts Chapter 11, Peter’s life was disrupted. How did this bring a great revival to Peter and the spread of the Gospel?
Personal assessment:
The Holy Spirit is disrupting my life in the following ways right now.
How will these disruptions grow my character and bring me closer to Jesus?
Family/Group Study Notes for August 29, 2021
Series: Disruption, Title: Disruptive Innovation
What kind of disruptions annoy you? What disruptions are welcome distractions in the day?
Satan has a practice of disrupting lives that cause brokenness. What evidence do you see in your life and in the world where Satan has disrupted and brought destruction? Read Galatians 5:19-21 for ideas.
Jesus is also a disruptor for our lives. His disruption is to open us more to His will and His way. He wants our lives to be more blessed and our outreach more life-giving. Where do you see Jesus disrupting your life for this purpose? What are things that your mind may have been closed to that Jesus is prompting you to explore more?
Read John 14:15-31. What is the disruptive work of the Holy Spirit in this passage? What are the things Jesus wants us to know? What are the promises in this passage? What are the commands? How is love described? Why? What does Jesus mean by the kind of peace He will give? How is it different from the world?
Read Acts chapter 10 – chapter 11:26. What was Peter’s understanding about people – particularly Gentiles? Why could he not see this narrow view about himself? How did Jesus need to disrupt Peter’s thinking and why? What changed about Peter through this disruption? How did this disruption make Peter more life giving and more like Jesus? How did this change through disruption propel the Holy Spirit’s work and the extension of the Gospel?
In reading the above story, where are you in Peter’s position – closed to God’s next work? What Christian leader could you seek wisdom from regarding your own character and openness to God?
Gather with others in your group or family and pray over what you have learned and discerned.