Local Missions
CtK is committed to connecting all people to the life-giving message of Jesus through our time, our resources and our lives! And there are lots of opportunities to do that right here in our community. Below are the ways you can serve in this community through CtK. To get connected to one of these ministries, please contact us at info@CtKCharlotte.org or 704-587-0073.
Opportunities to serve…

CtK Food Pantry
In this ever-changing time, we see the need now more than ever to provide food to families in our community that are experiencing a strain on finances. This is an IMMEDIATE NEED.
The Food Pantry will be open to the public on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.
International Missions
CtK is committed to Connecting ALL People to the Life-Giving Message of Jesus through our time, our resources and our lives! And there are lots of opportunities to do that internationally in Guatemala, Slovakia and Burundi, Africa. Below are the ways you can serve in those countries through CtK. To get connected to one of these ministries, please contact us at Sarah@CtKCharlotte.org or 704-587-0073.
Opportunities to serve…
Join us to impact the lives of children in two Guatemalan locations: Casa Bernabe Orphanage Outreach and Cristo el Rey Church.
Casa Bernabe Outreach serves the residential children at Casa Bernabe Orphanage through building, repairs, children’s activities and staff support. In addition, the team goes out into the community to places like Jocotillo to build homes, feed, and provide medical support to the villagers.
Cristo el Rey Church in Chimaltenango serves the impoverished children and families in that communtiy by providing a Christian school, building bunk beds in their homes, feeding, providing skills training and other children’s activities.
Trips typically are in late January and early February with an average cost of $1,200 to $1,300.
This outreach supports the mission work of Jamie and Lenka Andrews, now residing in Puchov, Slovakia. Our prayer is to increase a passion and heart for Jesus in this nation. Teams support training of local leaders and infuse revival through worship and outreach events.
Prayers and encouragement are sought for this outreach and for the Andrews family.
Burundi, Africa
CtK supports through prayer and financial resource Eric Manirambona, Pastor and Developer for Grace Community Church in Bujumbura, Burundi. We also support the work of Harvest Outreach with Onesphore Manirakiza. Please join us in prayer and encouragement for these ministries. Burundi is now considered the poorest country in the world. Many issues including hunger make life in this land very difficult. However, we see the powerful work of Jesus through these incredible, faithful men and women of God.