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Weekday Preschool

Ages 2-3 and Pre-K Age 4.
All are welcome!

Christ the King Preschool would like to invite you to enroll your children in our Christian weekday ministry. Our mission is to provide a safe Christian learning environment for children while bringing Christ to the center of their lives and to the lives of their families. This mission is carefully put into daily practice by a strong team of skilled, caring teachers with many years of experience.

We would consider it a privilege to partner with you in the education & care of your child.

Please give us a call or stop in the office if you would like more information about joining our preschool family.

For more info, contact our Weekday Preschool Director, Tracie Zielinski at [email protected] or 704-504-1135


Activities Provided

Bible Lessons, Music Class, Hands-On Science Instruction, Traveling Tumblebugs Gymnastics Program, and Beginner Spanish, Indoor and outdoor playgrounds, Social & emotional interaction with peers, Age appropriate academic lessons utilizing Pinnacle Curriculum, and Handwriting Without Tears for Pre-K classes

Registration For 2024/2025

Registration Fee (non-refundable): $150 for all students (new students receive a free tote bag)

Preschool Classes Available

3 DAYS (T, W, Th, 9am—1pm): Tuition $380/month
Age 2 by 8/31/2024 – DOB 9/1/2021-8/31/2022. Student/Teacher Ratio 12/2.

4 DAYS—(M, T, W, Th, 9am—1pm): Tuition $425/month
Age 2 by 8/31/2024 – DOB 9/1/2021-8/31/2022. Student/Teacher Ratio 12/2.

4 DAYS – (M, T, W, Th, 9am—1pm): Tuition $380/month
Age 3 by 8/31/2024— DOB 9/1/2020-8/31/2021.

4 DAYS – (M, T, W, Th, 9am—1pm): Tuition $380/month
Age 4 by 8/31/2024 – DOB 9/1/2019- 8/31/2020. Student/Teacher Ratio 18/2.

September’s tuition drafted on May 31, 2024. All tuition and registration fees are non-refundable.

*All staff members of CTKP are required to have up-to-date First Aid and CPR/AED certifications, and must take 3 Continuing Education hours every year.

**Christ the King Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin.

Application Process

1. Registration for the 2024/2025 school year will begin on February 26, 2024, for children and siblings currently enrolled in the program and siblings of former students.

2. New Student Enrollment Applications will be accepted starting on March 4, 2024.

3. A $150 non-refundable registration fee is required, along with the completed application and an EFT (electronic funds transfer) form, (including a voided check or a form from the financial institution with account and routing info), in order to have enrollment be complete. Registration and tuition fees are due via EFT only.

Please note: Tuition for September 2024 will be withdrawn via EFT on May 31, 2024.

Registration and tuition payments are nonrefundable.


We would love to have your child join our preschool! Please contact us for more information or to schedule a tour for your family.

Tours can be scheduled by appointment by calling the Preschool Office at 704-504-1135. You can contact our Preschool Director at [email protected].

Christ the King Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin.