May 23, 2021 – Full Service
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May 23, 2021 – Sermon Only
Message Notes for May 23, 2021
Series: Sculpted
Title: What is a Joshua Generation?
Main Scriptures: Exodus 33:11, Joshua 1:8-9, 2 Corinthians 2:12-16
Message Notes for May 23, 2021
Series: Sculpted
Title: What is a Joshua Generation?
What are some things from your past that you are amazed God has used for helping others?
Read Exodus 33:11. What did you hunger and long for most during the pandemic time? What did it teach you?
Read Numbers 27:15-17. Why do you think God selected Joshua? When we think about Moses passing on his mission and legacy, what do you think Joshua was feeling?
Will your mission and vision God has given you continue when you are gone? For your God given mission and legacy, who will you pass it on to?
Read Joshua 1. Do you hear from God like Joshua did? How do you hear His voice? How do you know it’s God and not anything else? Do you show others how to hear from God?
What makes us successful in God’s work, according to Joshua 1:8. When we aren’t successful, do we blame God? When we are successful do we give thanks to God? What does that look like?
Take a few moments to think through your mission God has given you. Is it rooted in these two verses? (Matthew 22:37-39. Matthew 28:18-20). If you aren’t sure of your mission, start with these two verses. Then pray through your past to see how God will use your past and passions for His future plan, like He did with Joshua!
Close with reading 2 Corinthians 2:12-16, sharing and praying through areas you need help walking in victory over.