Freedom in Christ
Message Notes for July 28, 2019
Series: Baggage
- Freedom in _________
- Colossians 1:19-23
- – 36 So if the ______ sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
- Christianity in not a religion to join, but a relationship to have.
- Two types of _____________
- Baggage done to us
- Baggage we do to ____________________
- Genesis 2:8-9
- The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil says, do more to get to know God
The Tree of Life says: _____________ the fact that Jesus has already done it
The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil says: keep trying to get God’s approval
The Tree of Life says: receive the fact that HE ________ loves you
The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil says: obey out of duty
The Tree of Life says: obey out of __________
- This is what our response then to regain the tree of life is
Fall in love with Jesus
Serve God through relationships not rules
Respond to all sin with life
Guard your heart from going back
- Tree of ______
Freedom, grace, eternal life, God is good, God is forgiving
The Tree of Knowledge of God and evil
Bondage, the law, leads to death, God is only a judge, we are condemned.
- What is your ____________?
- What has been done to you?
- What have __________ done to yourself?
- Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Christ, Son, baggage, ourselves, receive, already, delight, life, baggage, you
Family/Group Study Notes for the Week of July 28, 2019
Series: Baggage
- How would you define freedom? When was a time you felt most free? What was it about that time that made you feel free? Did the message redefine/expand what it means to be free? Why or why not?
- Read Colossians 1:19-23 and John 8:36. Why is freedom in Christ different than any other type of freedom? How would you/family/friendships be different if you experienced this type of freedom?
- Why does the term baggage work well to describe what we carry around?
- Where in your life do you live under the Tree of Good and Evil? Where do you live under the Tree of Life? How is Christian Hope important for moving into freedom? What has Christ done to gain this freedom for us?
- What holds people back from letting go? What holds you back? “Christianity is not a religion to join, but a relationship to have.” How is this different from how we often view Christianity?
- If you have the capability, listen to Hillsong’s worship song “Who you say I am” found on their album There is More (live). What stands out to you?
- Examine your baggage – make a list of:
- People you need to forgive and why or people who need to forgive you
- People and things that have hurt you and why
- Habits that need to change
- Shame/guilt you carry and why
- Struggles that need to stop
- Anything else that separates you from living in freedom
- Read Deuteronomy 30:19-20
- Share with a group/close friend that will pray for and with you. Listen to the other messages in this series and start taking living in freedom seriously.
- What does choosing life look like?